All the religions are saying the same thing, so I try to find out what they have in common, and I go by that. *Universal Truths.* I try to clarify what they mean, rather than just assume. If something does not feel right for me at the moment, I don’t try to force myself to conform to it out of fear of not doing “the right thing” spiritually. It could be that I am just misinterpreting it. If I have an epiphany later, and understand it, and vibe with it, then I will incorporate it into my belief system at that time. But I would rather acknowledge the truth of this, than to tout a belief that doesn’t ring true to me. Or worse, try to force it on others. Spiritual insights should feel like joyful revelations, not beatings or beratings. They should be empowering and enlightening, because anything heavy and depressing, any weight on you is your ego: false beliefs imposed on you by outside forces, rather than your deeply felt inner truths. 

I think the spiritual community would do well to take note of this, as it seems to cause a lot of unnecessary suffering. 


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