Embrace the Chaos of Universal Order.
Know that your Decisiveness is your WillPower.
Know that you are strong.
That using your Will,
You have the ability,
To manifest your own Destiny.

Love your Mother.

Unite with your Lover.

The Universal Supply is endless,
For those who KNOW how to receive,
And to believe.

Know that you are Wise.
That you have all the answers;
That you ARE all the answers,
To your own questions.

Love yourSelf.
Love others.

and have Faith.

Everything is working as it should.


Take care of your Home.
≈Your Body≈.
Take care that you do not become .TrappeD.
-l isolated UP in your ego. l-
Keep your BodyHouse clean,
And intune with the Earth.

Embrace newness,
Embrace Change,
Follow your TRUE Heart's Desire!
Be simultaneously *Fierce* and °Nurturing°:

You are blossoming.

Express yourSelf through Music,
Stay intune with your inner flow;
Stay Centered.
You always KNOW.

*≈Be Love≈*

Create a sacred space, 
Within yourSelf,
And within, 
The physical world.

Meditate, Reflect;
Decide. And Act.


Stay rooted to the ground.
Please don't be so hard on me.
I'm always where I'm meant to be.
Leave me to my wandering
Don't ever leave me wondering
Of your Love.

I love you.

Break down these walls
And let the sunlight in.
And let the cool air fill
My lungs.
Love Me.

I love you.

Ask me for guidence,
For I know all.
Hold fast to my arms
I shall never let you fall.
Feel me in your body
Feel me in your bones
I am always here.

Guiding you,
Cherishing you.

Full Moon Rise 
Up, Pull to me 
My Lover 
He's been sleeping, 
Drifting under 
The shadows of my dreams. 
And nothing's what it seems 
Before you open your eyes, 
And see the Question 
You realize 
That a smart sailor never 
Travels alone. 
That if you can bear it, 
It's best to share it -- 
For the weight of two worlds dissolves 
In the lightness of Love. 
And you thank your stars above 
'Cause you can still play your Own Song 
It's just not as lonesome 
When someone else plays along. 
(And we're all one Big Song 
In the end, anyhow...) 
So are you going my Way? 
Yeah, same path 
Same day. 
May as well walk together, 
To our destina 
Because holding hands helps 
In colder times, 
Makes a lighter Feat 
Of our massive retreat 
Back Home. 
So don't 
Vain ego dies slowly, on ther alter 
Of Our Love. 
And butterfly wings bring 
A sacred blessing from above: 
I amWe are *FREE* 
Fly it up so high... 
Watch the landscape rolling by.
I am the Trail-Blazer.
I will go first,
Into this darkness--
Scared shitless
But pretending, for your benefit,
To be brave.
I am marching with confidence,
To show you, you don't need
To be afraid.


Just watch me, and trust.
I swallow hard,
Keep my chin up,
And take these first steps--
I am showing you the way,
To your own deepest Self,
By finding the way,
To my Own.
Yes, we all go it Alone--
But we are doing it

God's Love is
by nature
Personal love for all beings and things,
honouring their unique beauty
and their purpose.
You love them because
there is no separation.
Because it is all
It is all
It is the closest thing to you,
The flowers outside your window,
the car passing you on the street,
birds flying in circles above the houses-
It is all a dance!
They are all your Friends, your mates and your comrades...
You are together in this Life~*
You are having a conversation,
And this conversation is saying
It is always
around you,
it is always
inside you.
It is unconditional.
It is there at every moment,
regardless of whether
we notice it
or not.
It is only us who have forgotten this.
We have become unaware,
of the Love that we always

Transcendent, absent God I cannot find you.
You have sacrificed your Sun to satisfy
Your self-proclaimed “jealous” nature,
Transcending the PHYSICAL presence of BEING next to me,
Now emotionally absent and off
Dying for your ideologies.
But I am MOTHER here feeding your children…
I am WIFE here crying for you in a cold bedroom.
I am DAUGHTER and SON here waiting for you to play with us.
Do you enjoy being far, far away?
Oh my Absent Father,
You are always just BEYOND
My loving

These walls I build to keep concealed,
My darkest memories, revealed
To no one.
Not even to Me.
Because to see them,
Is to know them and to be them,
And to find that they, too,
Are a part of who I am.

So I am hiding from your smile,
I can’t let myself feel its warmth.
Too dangerous because
This Love will destroy me.
Worry is rough on a Soul and a Body,
So weary, 
And sick of fighting for some theory of 
(And what if I was Perfect the way that I am?)

I take my first breath and stretch my fingers upwards…

I am slow unfolding, tiny green leaves emerging 
Carefully out of my shell.
I am uncertain.
No longer safe, but 


And I AM this Truth that destroys the Lie of false Selves,
Who, having feared for their death,
Already knew it was coming.
And so they die,
Falling from me like rotten layers of 
Confused identity.
I Am 
Sweet Angel, unscathed and glowing,
The Beauty of the Goddess.
I am Knowing: 
Believing inand Belonging
To who you really Are.

My Mother holds my roots and smiles,
I hear the trees whisper soft, 
Sweet melodies in my ear.
They are singing me Her hymn,
And I am this FIRE, raging, 
Dancing madly
To the human anthem.

Because I have this Dream,
Of rising to meet the Sun,
And I roar through this Darkness, 
The bearer of light to black forests;
Seeking That which is unspeakable,
Wasting words on a process that cannot be listed--
Just Mother Nature spinning out her silent web of
Life and of
I Am


My Fear 
Is just a broken record that spins,
Echoing madly in the confines of Mind.
I hear its frantic melody, 
I say: “I won’t need you, where I am going.
I will risk all to fly high from the mountainside;
Leaving all but my Truest Self behind.”

And so I climb.

I Am 
Painting the path of my life with my True Colours, 
I reach the greatest heights on my own.
And I stand,
Precariously perched,
On the Edge of 
The valley of the Universe.

Below me Angels and Demons dance wild
The play of Good and Evil.
I smile.
I know now that they are One.

And suddenly I am laughing, 
Letting all my anxieties pour out of me,
In waves of Bliss and Ecstasy.

I Am 
The Mother of all Eternity.
She is
Sweet Harmony, 
Unbearable Beauty,


I close my eyes and listen to my Own Words, 
Leaving the Silence full unbroken as I hear the Sweetest Song:

“Breathe eternal life, sweet angel,
And step closer to your Edge.
And let your soul fall free
To the Ocean floor…”

I am spinning 
With the Waves of Life.
I am dancing forever,
In this Sea of Light.
Affirmation- To make firm.
To solidify a healthy self-esteem, see the Good in yourself and others.
If you see a weed, pull it.
Self-improvement is like tending a garden, a constant process.
It is not first broken then fixed;
It is not first fallacy and then perfection.
The mastery is in the work, not in trying to win the race.

"Today I affirm that I am doing the best I know how to do.
I acknowledge that I don't know everything.
I affirm that I am willing to learn to love.
I affirm that I am willing to know and accept me for who I am in this moment,
And for where I am in my process.
I affirm that I am trying my best to succeed-
I acknowledge and accept that I am also still learning.
I honor and appreciate myself, for the work I have done and continue to do.
I appreciate and am thankful for
This Gift of Life."