Thank God/dess for Yin-and-Yang-based Buddhism and Yoga. Oh yes, and I am calling for a major resurrection of all Polytheistic religions. It would be funny if it wasn't so deadly, that post-Christ Christianity has declared a "One and Only '''Jealous''' God" but then split into several different sects- or versions of this "One God." Even Christianity has different Gods!! It's unavoidable. Polytheism makes room for every version of God, but Monotheism is, by its nature, EXCLUSIVE- the acceptance cannot go both ways. It's totalitarianism in a religion. Admit that there are many Gods, even within your own religion. Or at least stop trying to convince people that only your version of God("ess" anyone?) is correct. You are starting to look silly. (And above all... stop killing people about it.) 

This goes for all the monotheistic temples to the male Ego.

Diversity is a logical and obvious phenomenon.

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