In Hinduism God takes many forms based on the most like way He/She knows they can get a devotee free, enlightened. 

God most often takes, in Western Religions especially, the form of Master where we are the loving servants, which is personified in Ram (God) and Hanuman, who serves him. This is the path that (I feel) is most beneficial for most men in our culture to take. As I said before, God picks whatever form He/She knows is most likely to get us free. So it is beneficial for men and comfortable for many women to embrace humility and follow the path of loving servant of God. Saint Francis, Ram Dass, etc are some examples of those who we can see follow this way. If the masculine form followed is benevolent, I feel that this path especially will help to eradicate war and patriarchy. Another example of this form of worship is when men follow the Goddess. 

When women follow the Goddess, or when men follow a God, like Jesus, it is a form of embodiment, of recognizing immanent Divinity - by seeing it in yourself. This is an empowering path, but can only be practiced with total surrender of one's personal ego to the archetype of God they are calling forth, so that they manifest good and not a self-centered egoic complex. So that is a tricky one for some. But very beautiful, and in my opinion, the closest to the truth because in this path we don't project the power outside of ourselves quite so much. I am an Aquarius moon though, so I do not like "submitting" or "servitude." Also, as women, we have been trapped in that space in an unholy manner for so long, I personally think it is seldom beneficial for women to follow the submitting path, as one is most like to get Free by metamorphosis, and not more of the same. (I believe embodiment or the last two forms are best for most women).

Yet another form God takes is friend to Friend. This is the path that Hafiz sometimes walks, as well as (you may be familiar with) the father from the play Fiddler on The Roof. This is another one of my favorites because it places God "on your side" and keeps you empowered rather than cowering or servile. 

Krishna an example of the last the form of God taken in Bhakti Yoga; the spiritual path of Love and Devotion. Krishna is God as the Beloved, as the Lover. He is joyful, warm, ecstatic energy. He embodies unbearable beauty, mirthfulness/playfulness, and inner strength and power. He loves each of his Gopi's (devotees) individually, appearing to them as exactly what they most desire, and inspiring their unconditional love and devotion. Losing themselves by merging in this intoxicating Love, they surrender their ego.

It's been my experience that all the paths are helpful at different times, and it isn't essential or desirable, or may be too rigid, to pick just one. Most people have a primary path they identify with, but it is good to make use of the other ones in certain circumstances. There are many ways to know God, it's just a matter of what resonates and what you are drawn to in the moment. 

Namaste and Blessed Be~*  

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